Software / Databases and Tools Windows / Dia Archiv

07. Jan, 2025 | Author: Achim Kern 

Archive Achim Kern - snapshot from database dia archiv     

Slide archive management (Win95,98,ME,NT 4.0,WIN2000,XP,WIN7)

Already delivered worldwide to:
Africa, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Austria and Switzerland...

With the software DIA-ARCHIV® you can manage your entire slide inventory comprehensively. In just a few seconds, the images most suitable for your
presentation are compiled and displayed on the screen and printer.

There is no more time-consuming searching, new slides no longer need to be
sorted - from now on your personal computer takes care of this task.

The structure of the slide archive database differs in important ways from a standard database. In normal databases you enter your data records using individual data fields
such as name, street, address etc. The slide archive program takes a slightly different approach - we use keys to encode the slides, which enable a hierarchy structure
distributed over 3 levels.

Here is an example to illustrate this structure:

other features:
32-character information text, magazine directory, memo file, mini bitmap,
JPEG slides, Word documents, header database, auto backup

Archive Achim Kern - Dia-Archiv 16-bit Version 2.04 download icon    Download Dia-Archiv Shareware Version 2.04 (16-bit Version)
Archive Achim Kern - Dia-Archiv 32-bit Version 3.03 download icon    Download Dia-Archiv Shareware Version 3.03 (32-bit Version)